Importance of Employee Engagement in the IT Industry

IT industry understands that a technical person isn't always the greatest employee in terms of competence and output. (Arslan, M. and Roudaki, J., 2018). Only an engaged employee has a personal and academic connection to the company, is excited about its goals, and is committed to its standards. (Kim, M. and Kim, J., 2020).  The employee goes above and beyond the basic job tasks and participates in actions that help the company grow. (Kwon, K. and Park, J., 2019). Its relevance is increased by the fact that it has a substantial impact on their bottom line. Employee engagement is about motivating employees to do their best work. (Woodruffe, C., 2006). The quality of a company's production and profitability are determined by the quality of its workers. (Young, H.R., Glerum, D.R., Wang, W. and Joseph, D.L., 2018). Individuals that are engaged work with enthusiasm and have a close bond with the organization. (Verčič, A.T., 2021). They are responsible for driving innovations and moving the organization ahead. (Kim, M. and Kim, J., 2020). Employees who aren't really focused are effectively inspected are having no enthusiasm for their job. (Alaimo, C.J., 2022). Actively disengaged employees are not simply dissatisfied at work, they are preoccupied with bringing out their dissatisfaction. (Alaimo, C.J., 2022).

Video 1

(Source: GP Strategies EMEA 2018)

The above video shows what great employee engagement looks like in an IT company and the importance of employee engagement in firms. (Kim, M. and Kim, J., 2020). It is defined the employee engagement by employees' favorable attitudes about the IT firm and its principles. (Kwon, K. and Park, J., 2019).  It is quickly increasing acceptance, use, and relevance in the workplace, and it has a variety of effects on businesses. (Verčič, A.T., 2021). Employee Engagement's relevance in the workplace cannot be overstated in the IT industry. (Alaimo, C.J., 2022).

The importance of employee engagement in IT industry and it's positive outcomes can be categorized under management Support, integral motivating factors, employee-centric organizational culture, capitalist economic fairness, the process of goal, hygiene elements, equity, valuation visibility, customizable training, feedback, and interpersonal group cohesion emerged as the most important factor of employee engagement based on data analysis. (Alaimo, C.J., 2022).

In addition, IT industry employee engagement is essential because effective solutions help to improve work culture, minimize employee turnover, increase productivity, improve work and customer connections, and impact corporate revenues. (Shaik, F.F. and Makhecha, U.P., 2019). 

In my IT organization, employee engagement is essential in all project works. It helps to perform well in software projects externally and internally. Most of the employees are from IT backgrounds and that leads to adhering to middle level and supervisory level management which can align employees in a balanced work cycle. 

In Sri Lanka, many reputed IT companies have identified the importance of employee engagement and maximizing personal career development. It help the companies to increase their productivity as well. 

As a result, increasing and executing Employee Engagement is in the hands of the firms, and it necessitates a perfect balance of the highlighted variables when creating company policy for an engaged employee. In conclusion, the data show that mindsets of engagement, positivism, care, empathy, and promoting ethics are the most important results of employee engagement in the IT industry.


Alaimo, C.J., 2022. Understanding How the Company Got Here and the Importance of Employee Engagement. In HR Leadership During Bankruptcy and Organizational Change (pp. 11-21). Springer, Cham.

Arslan, M. and Roudaki, J., 2018. Examining the role of employee engagement in the relationship between organisational cynicism and employee performance. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy.

GP Strategies EMEA (2018). What Great Employee Engagement Looks Like. [online] GP Strategies EMEA. Available at:

Kim, M. and Kim, J., 2020. Corporate social responsibility, employee engagement, well-being and the task performance of frontline employees. Management Decision.

Kwon, K. and Park, J., 2019. The life cycle of employee engagement theory in HRD research. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 21(3), pp.352-370.

Shaik, F.F. and Makhecha, U.P., 2019. Drivers of employee engagement in global virtual teams. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 23.

Shenoy, V. and Uchil, R., 2018. Influence of Cultural Environment Factors in Creating Employee Experience and Its Impact on Employee Engagement: An Employee Perspective. International Journal of Business Insights & Transformation, 11(2).

Verčič, A.T., 2021. The impact of employee engagement, organisational support and employer branding on internal communication satisfaction. Public Relations Review, 47(1), p.102009.

Woodruffe, C., 2006. The crucial importance of employee engagement. Human Resource Management International Digest.

Young, H.R., Glerum, D.R., Wang, W. and Joseph, D.L., 2018. Who are the most engaged at work? A meta‐analysis of personality and employee engagement. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39(10), pp.1330-1346.


  1. Dear Pavani, Very correct and would like to add that Employee engagement has emerged as a popular organizational concept in recent years in IT industry. It is the level of commitment and involvement an employee has towards their organization and its values and beliefs. An engaged employee is aware of business context, and works with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefit of the organization. (Patro, 2013).

    1. Hi Dulanjana, I agree with your comment. While it is agreed that employee engagement has been described in a variety of ways, it is also stated that the definitions sound a lot like other more well-known and established conceptions like "organizational commitment" and "organizational citizenship behavior". The physical part of employee engagement refers to the physical efforts made by workers to fulfill their responsibilities. (Robinson et al, 2004). 


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