Summary and Conclusion


Employee engagement is the practice of keeping employees interested in the operations of the business in order to strengthen their loyalty and sense of belonging. (Sun, L. and Bunchapattanasakda, C., 2019). In the IT industry employees are seen as a resource to be exploited to the maximum extent possible, with little or no room for decision making. (Saks, A.M., 2006). Because of this attitude toward the job relationship, the employee's interests are put second to the employer's, resulting in a lack of trust among employees. (Mone, E.M. and London, M., 2018). The engagement technique will be hampered by this lack of confidence. Employee engagement is a relatively new topic in the world, but it has received a lot of attention from consulting firms. (Kang, M. and Sung, M., 2017).

Individuals who are fully engaged in their work are said to be fully engaged. (Kaliannan, M. and Adjovu, S.N., 2015). In the IT sector, people use and express themselves physically, cognitively, and emotionally during role performances in engagement, which is the harnessing of organization members' selves to their work responsibilities. (Al Mehrzi, N. and Singh, S.K., 2016). Understanding the pulls of engagement is a major topic among businesses looking to improve employee performance well. (Eldor, L. and Vigoda-Gadot, E., 2017).

Employee engagement in the IT industry is a sub-concept in employee engagement that encompasses practically all aspects of human resource management. (Chandani, A., Mehta, M., Mall, A. and Khokhar, V., 2016). Employees fail to completely immerse themselves in their jobs in response to such mismanagement if all aspects of human resources are not managed appropriately. (Al Mehrzi, N. and Singh, S.K., 2016).

The IT industry is developing day by day and the world has recognized employees are engaging with the IT industry and many worldwide people choose IT-related jobs. (Mone, E.M. and London, M., 2018). Without a gender gap women and men are both treated equally in the IT industry and rewarded equally. (Chandani, A., Mehta, M., Mall, A. and Khokhar, V., 2016).

Figure 1: Employee engaged industries in the world; Great workplace

Source: (Erb, M. 2021)

According to figure 1, global employee engagement in IT industry has highly increased in 2021. Employees are engaging in great workplaces whereas the working environment is a  very considering factor when it comes to employee engagement. (Erb, M. 2021). IT firms always continue a very good working environment and due to that, it can be seen employees choose IT industry.  (Al Mehrzi, N. and Singh, S.K., 2016).

In my IT organization, many of the employees are working in a highly satisfying environment. The nature of the relationship between the organization and employees is healthy and it leads to productive outcomes. My organization provides tools to do the job, rewards, safety needs, and mental and physical balanced work and as an IT company, it helps employees to successfully engage in work.

Most of the companies in IT industry are having a very good relationship between employees, qualitatively. Employee engagement in those companies leads to success with job satisfaction and employee morale.

In conclusion, Employee engagement in IT industry is a trending topic in the world, and it satisfies the Physiological and safety needs of employees. Apart from that IT industry is a place that helps employees with mental and physical well-being and learning and development where an employee really should engage in. IT industry is an industry that treats all members of the company each day and is devoted to the organization's goals and values, determined to contribute to the success of both employee and employer who is engaged with the company. 


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Erb, M. (2021). Global Employee Engagement Benchmark Study. [online] Great place to work. Available at:

Kaliannan, M. and Adjovu, S.N., 2015. Effective employee engagement and organizational success: a case study. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 172, pp.161-168.

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Sun, L. and Bunchapattanasakda, C., 2019. Employee engagement: A literature review. International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 9(1), pp.63-80.


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